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An interview with Sergei Latrino

What made you become an artist?
I am sitting in library in Blahslavia and see book on famous artist. He does smeary stuff and I say, “hey, I can do smeary stuff too. I not have nine to five job, not dress up and plus get girls!” So I become modern artist.

Some critics say you don’t make serious art.
Is right! What so great about serious? Only serious is art? Like saying you should live all the time with frown lines. We all going to die so have fun while we can.

You don’t care if your art isn’t considered serious?
Easy to do boring “serious” piece, but convincing critics to consider it art is hard. So most of creativity not in creating "serious" art but in talking about it. So I decide, problem is being serious. If I don’t worry about serious I can concentrate on just doing art.

They also say your art isn’t even art.
Maybe right! No real definition for art except it make somebody smile, react, or think. So I think art concept vary depending on who experience it. Everybody a critic, right?

So critics don’t bother you?
Sometimes help! One guy, he calls my art “garbage”. I think, “is good idea!” Nice Seattle people leave all the plastic I want right on the ground in neighborhood where I’m staying. You can see garbage art in show.

Tell me about your Thoughtless Conceptualism.
Conceptualism means idea important as technique. Let’s say artist puts red plank against wall and then he or she proclaim, “this is art!”. OK, so maybe expand idea of what art is but problem–red plank on wall REALLY boring. So I try do concepts thoughtlessly, not so serious, go on whims, have fun. Even most thoughtless thing can make you think!

What is Maximum Minimalism?
Is more minimalism for your money! Like artist do painting with black square on white. Person in gallery think, “I don’t get it!” Is because nothing to get! Is big snooze! At least have decent idea please.

So what type of art is in this show?
Number one thing people ask artist is, “how do you get your ideas?” So I think, people have hard time get ideas. So I create idea machine. Come to show and you can have free ideas.

So some of your art is participatory?
Yes! Who say attendee must only look at art? So I have one piece created automatically by visitors! And other pieces where viewers change art. Or actually use imagination! Much more fun than looking serious and saying, “This is obviously a comment on the pretentious nature of coagulism in proto-secular culture.” Is making eyes roll so far back in head you go blind.

There's art about secret architect rituals?
Is one artwork in show. I hear about architect religion and realize this explains how most modern buildings look.

I heard you have paint by number and pop art?
Paint by number crazy! You do when you kid right? Well I show you paint by number you not think of! As to pop art, this art really popping like you never see.

What would you say to children who might want to be artists?
KIds, you think you don’t fit in? Other kids think you are strange? OK! Is good! Maybe you see things different and can show other people this! In show I have lots of things kids will like - even piece where you become art!

What do you say to people who say anybody can do modern art?
Big agree! I have series showing this! I even have art by criminal! So come to show–learn what you can do!


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